Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Williams Condemns Harrassment of Churches in Zimbabwe
Maria Mackay
Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams has condemned the Zimbabwean Government following reports of authorities disrupting church services and intimidating opponents of an ousted bishop.

Bush Walks in Jesus' Footsteps
Peter B. Beita
U.S. President George W. Bush bolstered his Israel-Palestine peace treaty plan this past week and called on the leaders of the two countries to make "painful concessions" during his two-day Holy Land tour.

Malaysian Christians Respond to Gov't Flip-Flop on 'Allah' Ban
Sze Leng Chan
Malaysian Christians have expressed deep disappointment and regret over the comment made by a local government minister regarding the prohibition of non-Muslims from using the word ”Allah.”
Malaysian Gov't Official Reiterates Muslim Claim on 'Allah'

More News
Spanish Gov't, Church Spar Over Liberal Policies

Global Church Head Sees 'Signs of Hope' in Riot-Hit Kenya

Anglican Church Open to Scrap Blasphemy Laws

Italy's Catholic Church Head Backs Abortion Moratorium

Airport Worker Loses Cross Row Case

China Frees Tragedy-Laden N. Korean Activist

Worst Christian Persecution Expected in Saudi Arabia, N. Korea

Americans' Search for Happiness
Churches Offer Spiritual Help for Weight Loss
Cultural Architect: Why Churches are Declining in America

My Answer: Be Reconciled with God
How to Share Your Faith Using Timbaland/OneRepublic’s Apologize
Christians Feeling the Post-Holiday Blues

Muslim Clerics Press Afghan President to Block Missionary Activity
Christianity's Edge over Islam in Holy Book War
Vatican Defends Right to Spread Message

Ky. Lawmakers Push for Requiring Ultrasound Before Abortion
Can Huckabee Attract Non-Evangelicals?
Christian Analysts: '08 Election Up for Grabs

Influential Theologian Troubled by Christian-Muslim Dialogue
Florida School Board Hears Final Evolution Arguments
Pro-Evolution Book Says Science and God Compatible

MAF Resumes Flights in Volatile Kenya
Mission Aviation Fellowship Suspends Flights in Kenya
Christian Charity Aims to Eradicate Clubfoot in Children

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