Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dallas Man Regains Freedom to Distribute Gospel Tracts
Lawrence Jones
A Christian man who was told by police that he needed to purchase a ticket in order to share his faith outside a Dallas area transit station will no longer face those restrictions.

School Policy Allowing Bible Distribution Ruled Unconstitutional

Lawrence Jones
A federal judge has ruled a Missouri school district's policy permitting Bible distribution unconstitutional, but an attorney representing the district has vowed to appeal.

Gay Issues
Pro-family Group Formed to Protect Traditional Marriage

Lawrence Jones
A new group announced Tuesday it will be holding public hearings to educate Vermonters on the benefits of traditional marriage. The announcement came after pro-family advocates concluded that a state-backed committee studying gay “marriage” would not adequately explore that side of the debate.

Anglican Church Open to Scrap Blasphemy Laws

Maria Mackay
The Church of England is open to the idea of abolishing blasphemy laws, a spokesman said Wednesday.

Italy's Catholic Church Head Backs Abortion Moratorium

Peter B. Beita
The head of Italy's Catholic Church said he would support a moratorium on abortion, giving an extra boost to the proposal that has gained much support in recent days.

Muslim Clerics Press Afghan President to Block Missionary Activity
Daniel Blake
The President of Afghanistan has been told by the country’s Islamic council to stop foreign aid groups from converting locals to Christianity.

Vatican Defends Right to Spread Message

Dibin Samuel
Amid rising accusations against the Catholic Church’s aggressiveness in seeking souls in countries like India, the Vatican recently reaffirmed that it has every right to spread its message and accept converts.

Ministries Mobilize Christians to Reach India's Poorest Through Christmas Gifts

Peter B. Beita
For part of their “Christmas Gift,” two prominent Christian ministries are joining hands in an effort to help the lowest and poorest of people in India and encouraging Christians to participate in practical giving that can change many lives.

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